Ghana Rock!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Seriously...God is not always SERIOUS!

Sometimes He's just, out of the blue, smack you the back of the head, did He really just do that, funny!

Today was one those!  And it's too fun not to share.

I was near the end of my run this morning and while I like the little downhills at the start of my can be a struggle when those downhills turn to uphills at the end of the run.  So, we (me and God) are getting through the next to the last uphill, having this little talk about just focusing on the step or 2 right in front of me and not looking at the gigantic mountain that lies ahead in the distance.  He can get all super spiritual like that sometimes.  :) The iPod's playing in the background of this little talk.  And the song turns to Kim Walker's version of How He Loves Us.  Which is one of my FAVORITES!!  And, I'm listening and loving it and just putting one foot in front of the other and got to the top of both of those little uphills.  Turned the corner back into my neighborhood, thinking about the words to song.  And bam, out of the blue, this song comes on....


You've got to listen to the catchy little tune and fun lyrics!  The band is Never Shout Never.  And it was put on the iPod by the person who gave it to me (or maybe her teenaged daughter).

Here are the lyrics....I promise I busted out laughing because I *know* God was totally messing with me with this song!

I'm in trouble
I'm an addict
I'm addicted to this girl  (ME?)
She's got my heart tied in a knot
And my stomach in a whirl (can you imagine God getting a butterfly stomach??)

But even worse
I can't stop calling her (that's true!)
She's all I want and more (that's what He keeps telling me)
I mean darn( i changed this little word...)
What's not to adore? (He really does think this about me and YOU)
I've been playing to much guitar
I've been listening to jazz
I've called so many times
I swear she's going mad (yep, sometimes I feel that way!)
And that cellular will be the death of us (and the computer and the tv....)
I swear, I swear

I'm running my mouth
Just like I got her
But I surely don't (oh, yes you do!)
Because she's so
O-oh, o-oh, o-ooh
Rock 'n roll (I'm totally not rock'n roll, but I like that you call me that)
And out of my league (WHAT?)
Is she out of my league?
Let's hope not

I'm in trouble
I'm so cliché
See that word just wears me out
Makes me feel like just another boy
To laugh and joke about

But even worse
I can't stop calling her (still true!)
I love to hear that voice (that's all He really wants)
And honestly
I'm left with no choice

Now, if we are made in God's image, why do we think He's so different than us?  I would never suggest that He's on our level by any means. I understand that God is Holy and perfect.  But what I do suggest, is that just like when we are in love with someone we flirt with and court them, we do things to try to make them laugh and smile.  We do things to brighten their day.  Why wouldn't God do that with us?  He's madly, head over heels, in love with us.  So, don't you think that would make Him woe us even more than we try to woe the one we love?  I know that song's not typically spiritual or worshipful, but it was a fun way to end my run.  An unexpected little burst of love from God to brighten my day.  And, I know it will have me smiling and giggling like a teenager for days!

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