Ghana Rock!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Seriously...God is not always SERIOUS!

Sometimes He's just, out of the blue, smack you the back of the head, did He really just do that, funny!

Today was one those!  And it's too fun not to share.

I was near the end of my run this morning and while I like the little downhills at the start of my can be a struggle when those downhills turn to uphills at the end of the run.  So, we (me and God) are getting through the next to the last uphill, having this little talk about just focusing on the step or 2 right in front of me and not looking at the gigantic mountain that lies ahead in the distance.  He can get all super spiritual like that sometimes.  :) The iPod's playing in the background of this little talk.  And the song turns to Kim Walker's version of How He Loves Us.  Which is one of my FAVORITES!!  And, I'm listening and loving it and just putting one foot in front of the other and got to the top of both of those little uphills.  Turned the corner back into my neighborhood, thinking about the words to song.  And bam, out of the blue, this song comes on....


You've got to listen to the catchy little tune and fun lyrics!  The band is Never Shout Never.  And it was put on the iPod by the person who gave it to me (or maybe her teenaged daughter).

Here are the lyrics....I promise I busted out laughing because I *know* God was totally messing with me with this song!

I'm in trouble
I'm an addict
I'm addicted to this girl  (ME?)
She's got my heart tied in a knot
And my stomach in a whirl (can you imagine God getting a butterfly stomach??)

But even worse
I can't stop calling her (that's true!)
She's all I want and more (that's what He keeps telling me)
I mean darn( i changed this little word...)
What's not to adore? (He really does think this about me and YOU)
I've been playing to much guitar
I've been listening to jazz
I've called so many times
I swear she's going mad (yep, sometimes I feel that way!)
And that cellular will be the death of us (and the computer and the tv....)
I swear, I swear

I'm running my mouth
Just like I got her
But I surely don't (oh, yes you do!)
Because she's so
O-oh, o-oh, o-ooh
Rock 'n roll (I'm totally not rock'n roll, but I like that you call me that)
And out of my league (WHAT?)
Is she out of my league?
Let's hope not

I'm in trouble
I'm so cliché
See that word just wears me out
Makes me feel like just another boy
To laugh and joke about

But even worse
I can't stop calling her (still true!)
I love to hear that voice (that's all He really wants)
And honestly
I'm left with no choice

Now, if we are made in God's image, why do we think He's so different than us?  I would never suggest that He's on our level by any means. I understand that God is Holy and perfect.  But what I do suggest, is that just like when we are in love with someone we flirt with and court them, we do things to try to make them laugh and smile.  We do things to brighten their day.  Why wouldn't God do that with us?  He's madly, head over heels, in love with us.  So, don't you think that would make Him woe us even more than we try to woe the one we love?  I know that song's not typically spiritual or worshipful, but it was a fun way to end my run.  An unexpected little burst of love from God to brighten my day.  And, I know it will have me smiling and giggling like a teenager for days!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Running can be worship

Today's run began as a test of determination and will to simply build muscle and cardio endurance. But it ended up somewhere totally different.

I set out to run 6 miles today. Basically, doubling my normal run!

I took a nice brisk walk down to the greenway in the misty rain. I thought about not running because of the mist...wondering what I would do if it really started raining. I figured what the heck, lets go anyway.

When I got to the greenway and started my run, the song on my iPod changed to "Grace Like Rain" by Todd Agnew. Funny, I thought. It's raining. Okay, I'll take this rain as grace from God to finish this out today.

I spent just a little bit of time talking to God at the beginning of my run. I felt like He said just run, wave and say good morning to everyone you see and worship. And, that's just what I did. I love listening to worship music and I was singing along as I ran. Not out loud of course, but still moving my lips...I sort of wonder if people think that's weird but I've passed some runners before that are singing to themselves and I don't think it's weird so I figure I should just stop worrying about it! Said hi and good morning to as many people as I could, waving when I couldn't get the words out. LOL!

So, I was pretty surprised when I was actually coming up on mile 4! At about 4.5 miles, my legs are feeling like jello, I'm breathing pretty heavy and I'm thinking about stopping to walk a little. I say God, if you want me to go farther, I'm going to need some help. And the song changed. To "Believe" by Hillsong. Here's some of the lyrics: "You are my strength. You are my rock. You are strong enough in my weakness." And here's where you probably will think I'm weird. As I sang those words, I felt the wind change from being in my face, to on my back and it was cooler! I felt as I had a little push from behind to help me along. I smiled. God is so good and He is always with us. So I made it past mile 5! And the song changed again. "Everlasting God" by Lincoln Brewster. Here's some of those lyrics: "Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord" "You comfort those in need. You lift us up on wings like eagles". And that's when I almost cried! Not from running more than 5 miles but because I know beyond a shadow of doubt that my God was running right there with me. Like I said, this may seem weird or not normal to you, but this is just how real God is in my life And when He's this real, how can I not talk about Him? It blows my mind that on a regular old Saturday morning He'd choose to run with me. But He did!!

So, I started out to run this morning simply determined to increase my distance, improve my endurance. But I ended up somewhere totally different. I ended up in church! Well, hopefully you know what I mean. I ended up humbled in awe at my loving God, who chose to run with me this morning to help me accomplish a personal goal.

Completed 6 miles in 1hr 7minutes. YAY!!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011


3.2 down, 36.8 to go!

I woke up to thunder, lightning and pouring rain at 5:30ish this morning. Thinking ... oh goodness ... I *will not* run in the pouring rain. But it was still early, so I dozed off again.

The little one woke me up about 6:30AM. It was cold and misty outside. And I start thinking to myself, oh maybe I didn't think this whole thing through. I bet the only people running a race on a day like today are serious business runners. Not people like me who started (inconsistently)running 5 months ago. In a panic, I think to myself ... OH MY GOSH, I am actually going to finish this race LAST!!

But, I'm not giving up!

Picked up my BFF and amazing accountability partner, Salina. (picture below!) And off we went. Once we got to the race, the excitement hit and I was very happy to be there, although a little cold in the 38 degree mist!

Lined up and at the gunshot we were off! 1/4 mile around the track and then out on a run through the campus of UNCC. Did much better than I thought I would during the 1st mile. Shortly after the beginning of the 2nd mile began a hill...that basically didn't quit till the 3rd mile!!! A few short(TINY) flat stretches and a couple of tiny(MICROSCOPIC) downhills...but really, it was all uphill. That was KILLER! I did walk a little bit there. But, thankfully the last 350 yards or so was flat and the very last bit was a terrific downhill that gave me a huge burst of speed and I finished super fast! During my training runs, I've been focusing on sprinting through the last bit, so that I can sprint through the finish lines...CAUSE, every second counts!!!

Very happy with my results, finished at 34:10 which is an 11 minute mile. And, I wasn't LAST! HAHAHA

My goal will now be to become more consistent with training and shave time off of the next race.

Here's a nice, "no make-up", pre-race photo in the parking garage.....

Friday, February 4, 2011

The beginning....

Is tomorrow! My 1st race in the 40 by 40 challenge is tomorrow morning. A 5K. I'm not as ready, no where near as ready, as I should be. (insert sarcasm) And, the weather is looking marvelous, by the way. AM showers. Actually, it's not that bad...should clear up by 9AM when the race starts and it'll be around 40*.

So, I'd LOVE to finish it with a 11-minute pace. But if I finish under 45 minutes, I'll be happy. Yes, I know those are not amazing, record-breaking stats and it's taken me a bit to come to terms with that. But this is running, in my real-life.

This is just the beginning, so I'll start here and hopefully by spring and early summer with many races under my belt, my times will be amazing!

I'll update tomorrow with my results and maybe a picture. I'm running with my BFF, Salina, so I'll try to get a picture with her too! I'm excited to have a friend doing this with me, so much more fun that way.

Feet don't fail me now..... :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Someone save me!

Oh, I MUST run tomorrow! I took the whole week off last week .... we were covered in 6 inches of snow on Monday and then it turned to ice on Tuesday ... and yeah, I'm definitely a fair weather runner.
It doesn't help that I still do not have any winter running clothes!
I think this week the weather should be better so I'm going to run tomorrow after I drop off the boy at preschool.
My 1st race is scheduled for Jan. 29th....I might need a miracle to RUN the whole thing.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A couple of questions....

So when exactly will 3 miles feel easy? Or at least EASIER?!
How can a road be uphill both ways? It can't, but it sure feels that way!

But no matter what it felt like today, I finished it.... and that feels great!


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Surprising myself

If anyone would have ever told me that one day I'd actually WANT to run, I would have called'em crazy and laughed out loud. Funny, how life goes. Today I actually got my butt off the couch and ran and it was 45 degrees! Which was a little cold at first.
Did a run/walk combo of 3 repeats of 7min/3min. Made sure to stretch very well before and after and am feeling pretty good right now. We'll see how these thighs feel tomorrow, though!
Next training day is Friday, plan to do the same combo. My route has a pretty good uphill on the 2nd combo, so I'm pushing myself there.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I've recovered--almost

Well, that run really hurt. But, I've mapped out a training schedule for the next 2 months. So that's good. Because just hitting the trail and trying to push myself to run 3 miles isn't gonna wasn't smart. We live, we learn.

And I've mapped out enough races to get me to 38 miles. Of course they aren't all set in stone yet but I at least have a fairly solid plan! So excited about this.

Hitting the pavement tomorrow with a combo of running and walking for 3+ miles.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

1st time out

Ran today. 1.5 miles. A fairly good pace...enough to make me feel like I was DYING! Wanted to do 3 miles. But I will be happy with the 1 and 1/2, it was my 1st time out since mid-October.